Past Services

  • Members of the Ashram has taken relief supplies to Gujarat Earthquake victims in February 2000. Fifty kits each containing complete package of food, tents, cooking utensils, blanket, dari, etc. were distributed hand to hand to the homeless victims of the earthquake.

    Photos of this charity work can be seen at
  • Books and tuition fee were paid for orphans, needy and poor children.
  • Ashram supports any tax exempt organization whose goals and objectives are similar to that of Ashram’s. Currently it supports HHI, NSS, SSPSS, and BV&A. SSPSS is running a clinic, called VCM charity Clinic, where free medical consultation is provided to all patients and free medicines are given to poor, orphans, and old patients.

HOPE Foundation
208 New Gate Loop,
Lake Mary, FL, U.S.A.

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