Our Vision

At the Hope Foundation our primary intent is to shine a ray of hope into lives of all our brothers and sister of the global community. We wish to reach out to those hundreds of girls in the Indian sub-continent who are denied education due to economic backwardness, little or no access to health and sanitation facility or gender disparity.

Our vision is to take a step ahead in the direction of fighting gender disparity by providing meritorious students (specially the girl child) and also orphans with scholarships at school and college levels to lower the drop-out rates and promote education and skill-development so they have a better chance to lead a life of dignity.

We plan to expand our out-reach program to reach out to those orphaned children who have all the potential to excel in their life but lack the very basic chance of education with the help of which their meritorious potential can be channelized for shaping their future into a finer mold.

Our Services

The Hope Foundation was started to provide access to basic needs to all those deprived or denied of it due to circumstances, orphaned children and disabled individuals in the community globally.

The Hope Foundation supports humanitarian and charitable activities of various sorts.


HOPE Foundation
208 New Gate Loop,
Lake Mary, FL, U.S.A.

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