
  • Currently the Ashram supports a clinic -named VCM Clinic, a counseling center for abused and battered women and children, and a library, all run by SSPSS. Ashram plans to support the following activities through this organization:
    1. An Orphanage
    2. A School for Orphans and Poor, and
    3. A Specialty Hospital or guest house for old and abused senior citizens.
  • At the HOPE Foundation we guarantee that 100% of your donation is used solely and only for the purpose for which the donations is made. We get your choice in the beginning and we give you the receipt for this. Funds shall not be transferred from one activity account to other.

How can you help

  • Assist in the provision of Medical Care and Educational Areas.
  • Become a Board Member or Director.
  • Chair Fund Raising Activities.
  • Make a Monetary Donation (by Check, regular EFT, cash/money order).
  • Donate Your Time and Skill (teaching, advising, office work, gardening, farming or any other work of interest).
  • Adopt an Orphan.
  • Donate Books.

HOPE Foundation
208 New Gate Loop,
Lake Mary, FL, U.S.A.

Contact Us